Intervention Success

Treatment Plan Development, Case Management & Monitoring
Intervention Success does not only convince your Loved One to seek help and get him or her to the appropriate treatment center, we also meet with the family before, during and after treatment to address family issues and the continuity of care for the Loved One and the family. While the Loved One may go to treatment for 30-90 days, perhaps six months to nine months of sober living is appropriate or continued treatment in an outpatient program is necessary. Participation in 12 Step Programs or SMART Recovery is also recommended. Often continued work with a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist is recommended. We work with you, your Loved One, his or her treatment team to design and help implement a treatment plan from one year to five year plans and goals.
Treatment Center or Program Selection
There are literally thousands of treatment programs for substance abuse, eating disorders, process addictions such as gambling and compulsive sex, and co-occurring mental health disorders. I believe that there is a treatment program for every type of person. Finding the right fit is the answer and knowing as many programs as possible is the problem facing most people. We monitor all the programs we can. Some programs evolve and improve with changes in staff and ownership. Other programs are fixed in one modality and refuse to change with advances in treatment. How does one choose? With as much information as possible and the guidance of other people that know the programs.
The goal is to know the Loved Ones’ needs and desires as well as the reputation and program content for as many quality programs as possible. We have listed several highly recommended programs in the Recommended Treatment Programs section of this website. However, the place that saved my life I would not recommend today and places that I would have never recommended a year ago have improved so give us a call and we can discuss the right fit for you or your Loved One. I once took an intervention Loved One to over 18 separate programs before finding the one that was the right fit for this individual. On the other hand, we can usually recommend three (3) programs and find the perfect fit.

Family, Older Adult & Professional Interventions
-Family & Young People Interventions-
Whether we use an ARISE® Method of Intervention, Change Method. or Family Systemic , we will work with the family to fit the right type of help for the reluctant Loved One. Many times mental helath issues complicate the Loved One's desire to get help. Many times the Loved One has had a bad experience in treatment or has had been to multiple treatment programs and nothing seems to have worked. However, underlying all individuals' resitstance to treatment is FEAR. Fear of living without their "best friend," fear of detox, fear of the wreckage of their past, fear of looking at themselved and discovering who they really are. Our mission is to excite and inspire your Loved Ones to get out of their comfort zone - the zone of frozen fear and pain - and reach for their true potential. Our results are guaranteed. Not only does the Loved One heal and get better, but so do all the family members that participate in the intervention and treatment plan.
-Older Adult Interventions-
We have unique experience in dealing with older adults – people over 50 years old – and getting them the help that they need with their special and specific needs. We have conducted interventions for individuals in their early 60’s to their late 70’s and a few in their 80s. Older adults have unique physical, mental and emotional needs. Whether the problem is alcohol, prescription abuse, or some other behavior, older adults have many complicating issues. The right treatment program that can identify and address the physical issues as well as the addiction and mental health issues is critical. Fear of change is amplified for these people but interventions for older adults are usually more successful than for younger adults and other populations. Interventions for people over 60 are frankly my favorite interventions because these individuals are incredibly responsive and eternally grateful that their family and friends cared so much for them to intervene and help them recover. Specific treatment programs for older adults and seniors are listed in the Recommended Treatment Program section.
-Professional Interventions-
Often the Professional has the most difficulty in recognizing that their substance abuse or mental health issues have been clear to all but him or her. Often they have become successful by “taking control” of the challenges and handling their challenges themselves. Nevertheless, many an executive, doctor, lawyer, minister, teacher, and computer programmer has drunk himself to death or killed herself by accidental overdose. Professionals have a difficult time to let go. However, professionals have the ability to respond to like-minded people and often see that reasonableness and rationality can work. They are also eager to restore their careers and their reputations. Professionals can be highly motivated to change with the right circumstances. Specific professional treatment programs are listed in the Recommended Treatment Program section.

Aftercare/Sober Coaching/Sober Companions
As part of the treatment process, Intervention Success can also recommend and arrange for appropriate sober living facilities as part of the long-term treatment plan. We know the facilities that are well run and those that are not as “sober” as we would like. We can also provide Sober Coaches or Sober Companions for busy executives or other people needing extra support. The need for a sober coach or sober companion may vary according to the circumstances. Some people tend to isolate and need encouragement to organize and begin their new sober life. Their treatment experience is highly organized and regimented. Thus, they may need help transitioning into the new routines of their sober life and home or in various settings. Some of the duties of the sober coach /sober companion include:
Helping clear the house of drugs, alcohol, or paraphernalia;
Cleaning and organizing the Loved One’s personal property and household property;
Helping to locate and attend the Loved One’s first 12 Step Meetings or SMART Recovery Meetings;
Assisting the Loved One with Continuing Care commitments, medical and mental health appointments;
Reintroducing the Loved One to the family post-discharge;
Help with resuming work/career;
Supporting the Loved One during the first few days and weeks get sued to sober life and sober routines; and
Assisting with local aftercare providers.
A sober coach or sober companion from Intervention Success can help with this period of transition.
Sober Transport
As interventionists, we often wish to accompany our clients to treatment. It is an opportunity for the Loved One to begin the exciting journey of recovery. However, often a family member may wish to accompany the Loved One to treatment. Other times, the Loved One may need someone to accompany him or her so that everyone is assured that the client arrives safely. There are precarious places along the way to treatment – whether it is an airport bar or medications that may be required or long and complicated travel plans, our staff can eliminate the stress or anxiety from the Loved One’s trip to start a new life.

Professional Programs
Some of the most difficult interventions are those for professionals – doctors, lawyers, executives, accountants, dentists, and other professionals. Selecting a program that has specific experience with these professions is critical. I am amazed still that many professionals think they are too smart to have an addiction. I have had experience with a nurse who simply could not accept the idea that a nurse could be an alcoholic. I have had experience with a bank president who would never accept the idea that he abused his prescriptions because he had become addicted to them. Politicians, professional athletes, and other high profile people often require discreet intervention and a special treatment program. We specialize in these types of cases. We, at Intervention Success, spend a great deal of time examining and inspecting programs for specific professionals so that they are the right programs for the right personalities.
Special Needs Populations - LGBTQ Clients, Multi-Lingual Clients, Clients with Physical Limitations
Everybody is unique and special in his or her own way, but certain people have truly unique circumstances. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning clients require a genuine sensitivity to these issues and both an interventionist and treatment program that affirms their worth and helps them address addiction issues that may have been part of the development of self. Clients whose native language is not English also require a program that understands both their language and culture in order to be effective. And clients with physical limitations or may be deaf or blind also need a program that addresses their needs. Intervention Success has LGBTQ expertise and gay interventionists. We have multi-lingual interventionists and we are well acquainted with programs that address any special needs.